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Sailing at the End of the World
The adventurous traveller following the coasts of the islands to the north of Norway will often marvel at the presence of a pair of eagles absorbed in observing and meditating on some rock suspended between land and sea, undecided whether to jump on a hare or a codfish. And it is precisely in Norse mythology that Hræsvelgr, god of the …

Nordlight Winter
Che l’uomo inceda quotidianamente dentro la Notte è per l’uomo di oggi una banalità, a dir tanto. Perché comunemente egli la rende Giorno, nel modo in cui egli intende il Giorno, come proseguimento di un’attività e di un’ebbrezza. Nella compieta è ancora presente la forza primordiale mistica e metafisica della Notte, che noi dobbiamo incessantemente spezzare per esistere davvero. Perché …

Ski sail 2023
Quando: crociere e combinazioni base a terra e mare di 7 giorni e 8 notti. La stagione 2023 inizia il 13 marzo con partenze ogni 8 giorni, quindi 21 e 29 marzo, 6, 14 e 22 aprile. Aeroporto: Tromso Dove: isole del nord Troms tra Senja e Loppa, centinaia di chilometri di costa, isole e catene montuose uniche al mondo. Meteo: classico …

Lights, whales and sails
Lights, whales and sails offre un cocktail diverso ogni giorno, bilanciando ozio e azione tra le finestre, le montagne, la navigazione in oceano, le letture in biblioteca, la luce delle aurore, il suono del vento, il profumo del mare, le camminate sulla tundra, l’esplorazione delle montagne dell’isola, le prime nevi, la notte polare, il calore del camino, il profumo delle …

Svalbard Sailing Expedition
THE SVALBARD 2021 EXPEDITION ESSENTIALS Full brochure available: Cadeau offers three different cruises of 2 weeks, between around May 20 and July 10, 2021 Cruise north, Tromso to Longyearbyen: departing Tromso May 20, via Troms outer Islands, Kagen with skiing in the area while waiting for a comfortable weather window for the crossing to Bear Island and Spitzbergen. Skiing …

Lofoten & Steigen 2020
In the wake of the Covid19 situation, NordlightX has decided to propose special ‘social distance’ cruises to its Scandinavian guests. Our collection of cruises in the Lofoten and Steigen area offers:– a unique selection of secluded and ‘off the beaten track’ moorings and anchorages to minimize risks;– private boat cruises only;– quarantined captain and cook.We will also pay particular attention …

Sailing Steigen
Good marketing can leave many victims. The Lofoten archipelago surged to the top of numberless top-ten lists with its extravagant peaks and adrenalinic wilderness, and travellers just cannot wait to get there. To do so they have several options: private transport talibans can use cars, motorbikes or sailboats. And in all these cases they need to cross the Vestfjorden from …

Skisailing Senja and Lyngen outer islands
The Lyngen peninsula is almost completely surrounded with a road, with the exception of the North eastern side. So if you are looking for a mountain where the only tracks will be yours, you have to sail somewhere else. Not far, actually, but far enough to need your own private boat. A few islands offer challenging mountains, Amazing views and …

Sailing the Lofoten archipelago
The sea is like a white noise, the texture of a sheet of paper where nature draws its islands and men write their dreams. The Lofoten archipelago is a young mountain chain of wild and courageous peaks which sinks dramatically into the North Atlantic Ocean from the coast of Norway well above the Arctic Circle. Its geographic exuberance charms sailors …