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All you need to know about sailing expeditions in Norway, Alaska, Patagonia and Greenland, in one page.

For detailed information and sailplans contact us at swan44cadeau@gmail.com, and follow us on Instagrag: voyages_mag


Quick reference

We prepared a quick decalogue about what you need to know before boarding for an expedition in high latitudes:

Sailing in high latitudes

Publications and websites

We are currently busy publishing a series of magazines almost entirely dedicated to adventure sailing. You can find the complete series here:


For Patagonia we warmly recommend this volume, which we translated and partly edited:


For polar areas:



Partner vessels

We cooperate and are in touch with several expedition vessels:

Greenland and North Atlantic, S/V Aegir: https://www.aegirexpeditions.no/

Patagonia and Antarctica: http://experenciaaustral.wixsite.com/sailing-cape-horn

Northern Norway and Lofoten S/V Cadeau: https://nordlightx.com/swan-44-cadeau/

Pacific: S/V Sauvage http://www.sailing-yacht-sauvage-expedition.com/

Antarctica and S Georgia, S/V Sarah Voerwerk: http://www.sarahvorwerk.net/de/home



There are several books which capture the beauty and the romanticism of sailing in faraway seas. Harold William Tilman with his Eight Sailing and Mountaineering books is probably the best choice. Tilman was the first sailor ever to combine sailing and climbing, and devoted 25 years is sailing to the coldest and remotest places on Earth. There are a scores of books about Arctic exploration, and we would suggest ‘Barrow’s Boys’ and Apsley Cherry Garrard’s ‘The Worst Journey in the World’. Another very interesting book is ‘Cod’, by Mark Kurlansky. So many wars have been fought for that fish that pretty much summarizes the story of cold seas.








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Voyages: special Patagonia Issue