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Print now  Ski and sail in Norway

Norway offers some of the best ski-sailing opportunities in the World, together with Alaska and Bc. But the main advantage of Noway its the relatively easy access…

Itineraries: ski sailing cruises depart from Tromso and are focused in the area of the Lyngen peninsula and the outer islands NE of Tromso. The Whole area is sheltered from the North Atlantic swell and it’s therefore unlikely to find uncomfortable sailing conditions. In case of a good weather spell of at least 3 or 4 days, not very likely but always possible, we will organize, only for the more adventurour groups innovative ski-sailing expeditions circumnavigating the magnificent island of Senja.

Enjoy the hospitality and the cooking of an Italian crew.

Cruise details

Vessel: Swan 44

Costs: 120 euros per person per day plus shared costs for food, diesel and harbours

Passengers max: 3



Cruise Date IN Date OUT Days Port IN Port OUT Cruise info link
1901 mar-1 mar-12 10 Bodo Tromso Sailing and Whale watching
1902 mar-16 mar-23 7 Tromso Tromso Ski sailing
1902 mar 23 mar 30 7 Tromso Tromso Ski sailing
1903 apr-5 apr-12 7 Tromso Tromso Ski sailing
1904 apr-15 apr 22 10 Tromso Tromso Ski sailing
1905 may-18 may-28 10 Tromso Bodo Sailing cruise Senja

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